Bassett Hounds

There are a few times when owning two dogs is less than fun.  Like this morning when somebody puked on the carpet, and there’s just no other place to puke than carpet, despite all of the tile and hardwood to choose from.  Or when I am taking dogs outside to pee for the millionth time in the pouring rain.  Or when I leave for work and I hear the sighs of two dogs as I close the door.  However, that quickly goes away when I see something like this:  Bassett Hounds Running

Good lord, I can’t handle the cute.  One thing is for certain, and that is Basset Hounds are not “Built For Speed”.  You can actually see the leg skin moving….  This guy is concentrating as hard as he can on just not tripping on his ears.  His lips must obscure his vision from time to time.

I just know that Lloyd has this kind of picture in him, he has almost as much loose skin as these clowns, and of course he can actually run, unlike these guys.  I need to get a picture of Lloyd running, or figure out how to take one.  My camera-fu isn’t up to the task.

Anyway, there you go.  You can’t tell me these pictures don’t make you willing to forgive quite a bit of carpet puke, and lots of trips to the backyard.  I know it worked on me.

Thanks Boing Boing