So, is it just me, or is this sunshine not putting a smile on your face that even a wire brush couldn’t remove?

The kids have exactly 8 (for Jordy) & 9 (for the lads) days of school left. The end just can’t come soon enough. All these beautiful days are here, and they are stuck in school. Makes me crazy. It better not rain when I can actually take them to parks, picnics and the beach.

I’m going to take this opportunity to gush a little. I have to say that over the years of the newborn phase, the toddler phase, the POTTY TRAINING PHASE…ahhh! – I think we went through all of that just to get here. Holy Cow! These kids are fun. I’m enjoying the absolute stuffing out of them. Being a stay-at-home mom has never been so fun. I can go anywhere at a moments notice, and everybody’s game. All we have to do is pee before we head out the door and we’re all golden! We have two furry children on top of the three human children and even still I can say, “life rocks!” Its a rare day when we aren’t all in a great mood. No meltdowns, no fits. Ahhhh…..perfect. I just CAN NOT WAIT to go to Wonderland with these kids again. They just get more and more fun.


So, I have 3 great kids, two awesome dogs, and a husband that is better than the greatest wish I could muster up. If I could hug a freakin’ rainbow – I would.

Soak up some sun today people….it’s beautiful out there.

A Mother’s Day to Beat All

I’d like to take a second and wish all the mom’s out there a belated Happy Mother’s Day. I hope you all had as an amazing a day as I did.

I was spoiled rotten by everyone.  Jordy was away for the weekend so she chimed in later on in the day.  My day was kicked off by my boys who were bursting with excitement over the whole occasion and just could not lavish me with enough attention. The crafts from them were gorgeous. The elementary school crafts always put a lump in my throat. I still have a huge tote FULL of the ones that came home from Jordy all the time.  Her little crafts were always chalked full of adoration and love, just like the boys were yesterday.  It’s so adorable.

The kids wrapped their gifts this year in brown craft paper and then decorated it all themselves. We’ve taken pictures to preserve their efforts.  Jordy traced her hands. WOW! That sure puts things into perspective. Those hands are as big as mine – AND they are from my once little girl, now, teenage daughter. WHOA! Where does the time go? The first thing out of her mouth when she came in the door was “Happy Mother’s Day!” She makes me proud. A lot of teenagers wouldn’t notice anything past themselves. She had some fun news of her own to share too, and she still put me first.  She was adorable, AND had to have a seat beside mom at supper. What a sweetheart.

Quinn had forgotten about one of his crafts which was a pleasant surprise for me this morning. He had other things too yesterday so this must have slipped his mind. It was a “fill in the blanks” thing that he had done. Here’s what it said:




MY MOM IS SMART! SHE EVEN KNOWS something that is going on behind her.

I LIKE IT WHEN MY MOM is doing something fun.

LOVE Quinn.

HA! So that means they still think I have eyes in the back of my head….perfect! How cute is that? I laughed and laughed.

It was also amusing when Cael gave me his gift that he made at school which was a bag of hand picked candies. He was so excited that his hands were opening and closing so fast while he jumped up and down during my opening of his present. He was so excited – the anticipation forever building as I slowly open the bag…almost in slow motion (in his mind, I’m sure) my face lit up, I was thankful.  I poured the contents of the wee bag onto my palm……… And then he ate all my candy. At no point did he really realize that they were for me I don’t think. He was just so thrilled to get them out in the open. He could barely talk for the HUGE gumdrop that had crazy glued his jaw shut at one point.  All Court and I could do was laugh.  Quinn partook of the unorthodox activity too once he realized it was a free-for-all.

Ah kids. You gotta love them. I think we must have done something right… so far at least.

Thank you Courtney for covering all the bases. You planned for some “girl’s out” time for me, for some “us” time and organized some “kids” time. We even got in some dog park time that everyone loved. You are the best hubby I could ever wish for. I love you.  I love our family, our life….my cup runeth over…yet again.

Let me leave you with my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE Mother’s Day YouTube bit.  It has me laughing until I cry everytime I watch it.  Try to picture Quinn as the focused and task driven older brother (I know, a stretch 😉 ) and Cael, as the goofy laid back funny guy (again…a stretch…I know 😉 )


Good Morning World!

By GOD! Some days you just want to sit on a revolving chair and sprout rainbows and gumdrops from your chest care bear style.


Kay, so maybe that is a bit much, but you really have to grab hold and harness the joy that comes from certain days. Do I have any reason to be this happy? Many. Do I recognize them with this much vigor every day? No so much – but I should.

Call it a life’s inventory on all the good there is to be seen.. Call it counting your blessings. Call it spring fever. Call it whatever you want, but I’m just happy for all the good things that are part of my life. If you are reading this…you are most likely one of those reasons.

I think the short days, the winter blahs, and all the sickness that makes up winter can often cloud over those things that make us happy. Things like the best hugs ever from your soul mate, or your teenager – thank God I still get those 😉 and let’s not forget the hugs that are still full of baby fat, that will be trimmed down to solid muscle all too soon [Sigh]. Those things that complete us can get stuck behind a grayed over attitude during the long winter months.

If there is one thing I’ve noticed in my fast approaching middle-age, it is that my environment has a HUGE impact on my attitude.  If the house is cluttered, so is my head. If the house is filthy, so is my mood. If it is too cold to go outside, we all get a little stir-crazy. Cabin-fever, if you will.

I rarely get to sit in my house and enjoy it. I’m always in some “non-stop” mode either cleaning, working on stuff, cooking, laundry, or just helping the kids trash it. All are very important things, but so is stopping to smell the roses. Once the house is clean…it is important to grab that book and enjoy it for a little while, if only for 5 minutes. Cuddle with the kids before they can leave your grasp and run like a tornado through the place.

Here’s a sanity tip for ya: Clean the house the day BEFORE you expect company, and not seconds before they arrive. Otherwise you stop cleaning to entertain, and then stop entertaining to clean. What is the sense or sanity in that? This way, you’ve put yourself first. You can enjoy it before everyone else does 🙂 !

Well, I’m rambling on here (hence the site name), but that is generally my nature anyway. Life is good. I’m going to try to remind myself of that on the days that don’t necessarily reflect my mood at the present moment.

Here’s to rainbows and gumdrops days.

Some days, you just have to say “Awesome!”

Today I decided to continue on a task that has been staring me in the face for a while. We started to clean out the basement – something that has taken us 8 to 9 years to destroy – in order to help prep the house for our new addition to the family….a SAINT BERNARD! Yes, we are idiots, but that is nothing new to anyone who knows us.   This is our new bouncing baby boy seen here below at 6 weeks old.  Keep it under wraps though (as I write this on the internet…) because the two boys don’t know about him.  It’s a surprise.  Jordy found us out when the “puppy” dog food arrived.  DOH!puppies-6-weeks-old-049

In addition to this nightmare of a task…there’s the whole jewelry business re-org that is 3-4 years overdue. Yeesh. There is presently NO dining room table as a result of this undertaking – make me nuts! Then there is the craft smorgasbord blob that I have been nursing and feeding for the last 13 years for the kids. Didn’t know I even had half the craft supply stuff that is here so, better just buy it again….and so the mound grows and grows. Holy accumulation batman! It’s nuts. I could open our own dollar store. (Not something I’m proud of.)

So Court and I decided to take on this beast before the new little beast (that will grow to 225lbs+) arrives. Hmm! Who knew that, DAMN(!) that would feel SOOOOO good. So today I continue on and slowly start to feel the feelings of being overwhelmed dissipate. The basement is starting to take shape, the Jewelry re-org is in progress but the house is still demolished. That too will be remedied eventually. Nothing like a house full of company all weekend to light a fire under one’s buttocks in that regard.

So what has this declutterization done for me? (Besides allow me the “Colbert” privilege of creating a new word?) ALOT! Suddenly I’m thinking, “Hey, my kids are healthy and happy! -AWESOME!” , “I have the best hubby in the world who loves me no matter how overwhelmed I get! – AWESOME!”, “I’m hanging out with my girl-y peeps for Mother’s Day on Friday for dinner and drinks! – AWESOME!”, “There are new beginnings with the extened family that make me want to burst with happiness! – AWESOME!”, “I have friends that know what it is like to live the crazy at-home-mom life with a litter of kids and that alone is refreshing! – AWESOME!”

OH! And finally, we have this new addition coming. Now,… and just now, (because we are finally getting our act together) I can finally get excited about our new furry little man who will arrive here on the evening of May 15th. – AWESOME!

Take on 3 kids (one of which is a teenager, two of which are young boys)? CHECK!  How about 2 Large Breed dogs? Sure! Why not, what the hell! -  I’m feeling…..wait for it…..AWESOME!

I love you forever…

Well after reading Court’s blog about no content for a while, y’know what with that whole work thing getting in the way, I thought I would take a minute to contribute one of my rare posts. Now, let’s see what EVER would I post about? …Right.  Kids of course.

Here is a little taste of the young sweetness that I’m gratefully surrounded by.

Let’s start with our little ham Cael:

Cael and I were talking and cuddling and he decided after a while that he wanted to head downstairs and play with some toys while I folded laundry.  Before going downstairs he paused on the top step towards the basement and says, “I love you forever mom.”

To which I reply, “I love you forever too, Little Man.”

“No like I REALLY love you, like forever and ever when we are dead and in our Heaven Suits!”

Kay, so now I’m REALLY curious.  I have to find out more about this.  So I say, “Heaven Suits huh?  What do our heaven suits look like?”

Cael looks at me like ‘Are you kidding me?’ and says, “Y’know, they’re like blue dresses and we have that circle thing on our heads.”

What can  I say at this point, I should have known what this heaven suit looks like obviously, seems that everyone does according to Cael.  So I simply replied, “Oh, of course.  I love you in my heaven suit too.”

Then there is Quinn:

Quinn is a more serious sort.  Not too serious, just a “one mood” kind of guy.  He’s so easy going and takes everything in stride.  He loves to be loved up, and expresses himself conservatively, which is a bit of a contrast to his exuberant younger brother.  When he does throw you a bone though (and it happens often), you definitely know he means it and wants you to know how he feels.  So with that in mind, I’ll share with you the bone he threw me recently.  He was in bed one night and I was tucking him in .  I was kissing his face and then proceeded to nibble on his ears while he giggled. Then he says, “Mom, please don’t nibble on my ear.”

He was giggling so I was confused by the request.  “Why do you want me to stop nibbling on your ears Quinn?”

Insert throwing of bone, “Because I can’t hear all the beautiful things you have to say.”

Well guess which one of us turned into a melted puddle.  I’ll give you a hint….not Quinn.  What a doll.

Our sweet and ever growing up Jordy:

Last, but certainly not least, I have to share something about Jordy.  You may recall before how I was mentioning what a big person she is.  Well that continues on a daily basis. I learn from her a lot.  We all do.  She’s got an old soul and a heart of gold.  The thing I guess I’m most grateful for is that she still wants to hang out with Mom sometimes.  We had given her a lot of room with managing her own workload, at her request…and it didn’t go as smoothly as it could have.  She said later, it’s better when we are on her about this stuff.  What kid would say, “yeah, you were right, I need you to help me.”  This kid would.  We are pretty proud of her.  It is March break and she is staying in Cornwall until Thursday.  She asked me before she left, “Mom, can we do something just me and you on Thursday when I get back?”

Music to a mother’s ears to hear her teenager choose to spend quality time with her.

This is one proud mom, signing off for now.  I’ve got some Green Rice Krispies to make and some Shamrock face painting to do!   I love March Break. I can’t wait for summer holidays. 🙂