Dog Shaking

God Bless high speed photography for capturing the exact way I feel some days when I realize I haven’t had a cup of coffee and it’s 10:45am.  I feel normal, I just look this way to others.  It takes a while to notice….

Go and have a gander at these awesome and hilarious pics for yourself, they are beautifully done.

Carli Davidson Pet Photography

I just know that Lloyd has one of these in him, if any photographer was foolish enough to risk his or her equipment in the spray….

via @Metro Ottawa


The Thrilling Buffalo-Filled Conclusion

The brilliant Guy on a Buffalo series reaches the thrilling conclusion in a two-part finale.

Part 1


Part 2



Incidentally, the guys behind this ridiculous, awesome and touching web series (Seriously, it has touched me, but not in an inappropriate way, more like the way your Spanish wrestling coach touches you.  Is that inappropriate too? Oh.) are a Texas-based bluegrass band called The Possum Posse.  Bluegrass isn’t always my thing, but from their website this sounds a lot like a band I could get behind.  I highly suggest you head over and check out their Kickstarter project to get their first album made.  Nice work fellas.  If anyone is looking for a gift idea for little old me, I can really see myself wearing one of those Guy on a Buffalo t-shirts.  Just sayin’.

Empire Strikes Back Indeed

Watch as this child learns pretty much the biggest cinematic secret (that matters) in the world.

It makes me mad that I didn’t think to do the same for the guys, but I must say that this kid’s reaction pretty much sums it up.


That’s a reaction to make any geekdad’s heart grow 12 sizes.

Saw this on Boing Boing.

Get the F$*k Off the Plane

Sometimes the Internet really provides, you know?  No sooner than I wrote about the children’s author who is just killing it with his book:  Go The F%*k to Sleep (the movie rights have already been optioned, btw) than we get this little story of a children’s author who kinda drops an F-bomb or two during an airplane delay (and who hasn’t thought something like that themselves?), not even really directed at anyone, and manages to get his book-writing butt kicked off the plane.  Fortunately the plane had not yet taken off.

The article mentions the author’s statement:

“The ironic part is I’m putting a children’s book out in August so this wasn’t the kind of press I was looking for,” he added, saying there are no obscenities in the book.

I believe Sam Jackson would say something like “Well maybe you should PUT some damn swear words in your book, look what it did for the other guy.”

It seems that this blog is starting to weave quite the tapestry of profanity.  Kids will do that to you.

Go The F#$k To Sleep

As any parent can tell you, sometimes kids don’t exactly have the same ideas as you when it comes to sleep.  Whatever the reason for it is, and however legitimate, sometimes you just want the kids to be sleeping for your own sanity.

When I first saw this I thought it was a spoof, but it turns out to be a real book that you can actually buy.  Or better yet, you can for a limited time get the audiobook as performed by Samuel Jackson for free on (well worth the sign-up).  To say that Samuel does a good job reading this book is an enormous understatement.  I listened to it this afternoon while at a client site (it IS only 5 minutes long, so my conscience is clear), and I had a REALLY hard time keeping quiet.  This f$%king book is hilarious, and is actually quite well written.  Samuel’s reading was perfect, and his introduction pretty much makes the rest of the book sound like he wrote the thing.

“All the kids from daycare are in dreamland. The froggie has made his last leap. Hell no you can’t go to the bathroom, you know where you can go? The fuck to sleep.”

I can’t recommend this more.  It’s absolutely priceless.  Also, it seems that this book went to #1 on Amazon on pre-sales orders based on the wide scale piracy of the PDF months before it became available.  I hope the author makes some money from this one, he deserves it.

Saw it on Boing Boing.  Thank you Boing Boing.

All The Action You Require In a Movie

To say that this clip has some action in it might be an understatement.


It makes the Matrix look like a documentary about a chess game.  What the heck is going on in this movie?  It’s ridiculous, campy, awesome, original and silly at the same time.  It makes me want to see the whole movie, but I have a sneaky suspicion we all just saw the best parts.  It perfectly tweaks all of my moronic male action movie triggers.

I will make a prediction that Nikki will not watch the whole clip to the end.  I would imagine most guys will watch to the end, because we are wired to like stupid crap like this.  Every once I a while the stupid rises up in me and I am biologically compelled to watch a movie like this.  I will declare this fact, and Nikki pretends to watch it with me in a show of solidarity, but in reality will be asleep before the first 10 guys are killed.  She’s a lightweight when it comes to mindless violence, although she does have a soft spot for superhero movies.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the rippling muscles and spandex?  Huh.

Damn you Hugh Jackman.  Damn you and my simple-minded addiction to slow motion explosions.